I joined the Institute of Online Education in 2001, after working four years as a lecturer of English at the University. I have taught a variety of English language skills courses since the mid 1990s. Interest areas are assessment in the e-learning environment, tutor feedback, the cross-cultural pragmatic difficulties, the teaching of reading and writing. I have presented papers in major national and international conferences on EFL teaching and learning and published in international journals such as Hongkong Journal of Applied Linguistics, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education.
研究兴趣:My research interests covered the areas of assessment in the e-learning environment, tutor feedback, EFL reading, vocabulary acquisition, and EFL writing.
所属研究中心: 中国外语网络教育研究中心
学术演讲 Conference Presentations
“基于现代信息技术的形成性评价工具的应用研究”课题设计 在课程评价改革国际研讨会上宣读(11月6日-8日,上海)
Investigating Learner Experiences with Tutor Feedback in a Tertiary Level Online English Course in China Paper presented at the 1Sino- USA Forum on English, Web and Education首届中美英语、网络与教育论坛 (绍兴,2009年10月15日-18日)
An examination of the effect of different test-delivery mediums on students’ performance --- A comparison of students’ performance in PBLT and CBLT Paper presented at The Seminar on Testing Methodologies and Technologies, Dec 7, Beijing, China.
Improving Tutor Feedback Practice in an Online Tertiary Level English Language Education Program---Design, Implementation and Evaluation. Paper presented at The 5th International Conference on ELT in China & the 1st Congress of Chinese Applied Linguistics, May 16-21, Beijing, China.
Tutor feedback in online English language learning: tutor perceptions Paper presented at International Symposium of Computer Assisted Language Learning, June 2-4, Beijing, China.
Tutor feedback and student perceptions of feedback in a tertiary-level web-based English language education program in China: axes of tension Paper presented at China 2005 International Conference on Online English Language Education, Oct 18-19, Beijing, China.
Tensions and Implications in Assessment in Tertiary-level Web-based English Language Education in China Paper presented at Sino-UK e-Learning Workshop China 2005, March 23-25, Beijing, China.
L2 learner motivation in tertiary level web-based English language education in one university in China Paper presented at China 2004 National Conference on Online English Language Education, Beijing, Oct 23-24, Beijing, China.
Assessment in tertiary-level online degree-granting program in English language education in China --- A descriptive picture Paper presented at the Fourth International Symposium on ELT in China, May 21-25, Beijing.
A study of entry requirements of ten online institutions in China Paper presented at the First National Symposium on Web-based English Language Education, Aug 14-15, Beijing.
What do Chinese students’ self-reported L2 difficulties in the host environment reveal about our language instruction? Paper presented the Fifth International Symposium on Applied Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching, June 7-8, Beijing.
What language courses haven’t prepared us for: a qualitative study of Chinese students’ language difficulties during a prolonged period of study at a British university Paper presented at the Third International Symposium on ELT in China, May19-21, Beijing.
‘Investigating university tutor perceptions of assessment feedback: Three types of tutor beliefs’. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, Taylor and Francis.
Investigating and Improving Tutors’ Written Feedback on Assignments in an English Language Online Education Program in China. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
“Chinese candidates’ experiences with computer-basedBEC”. Selected papers in 1st Sina-US Forum on English, Web and Education. American Scholar Press.
考试媒介对于考生成绩的影响研究 中国远程教育340,57-61.
“Tutor feedback in online English language learning: tutor perceptions”In Wang and Liu (ed.) Digital and Networked Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, 89-115.英语网络教育中教师对于反馈的认识研究。
Assignment feedback provision in online courses in a tertiary level English language program in China: A case study. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol 11 (1), 45-64. 英语网络教育中作业反馈的个案研究。
Tensions and implications in assessment in tertiary-level web-based English language education in China. Distance Education in China, Vol 3, 45-48.中国高校网络英语教育面临的挑战―考核篇。
“L2 learner motivation in tertiary level web-based English language education in one university in China”In Gu Yueguo(ed.) Exploring Online Education II. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, 76-85.关于网络教育中英语学习动机变化状况的研究
“A study of entry requirements of ten online institutions in China”In Gu Yueguo(ed.) Exploring Online Education. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, 223-233.关于国内10所高校英语网络教育入学形式的调查报告。
“Assessment in tertiary-level online degree-granting program in English language education in China --- A descriptive picture”In Gu Yueguo(ed.) Exploring Online Education. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, 60-82.关于高校网络英语教育考核体系的研究
“What language courses haven’t prepared us for: a qualitative study of Chinese students’ language difficulties during a prolonged period of study at a British university” in Hu Wenzhong(ed.). Teaching English in China(III). Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, 362-395.中国学生英语语言困难分析
“What do Chinese students’ self-reported L2 difficulties in the host environment reveal about our language instruction?” in Gaies, Konig, Gao, Li & Tang (ed.) Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching. University Press of Northern Iowa, 660-669.中国学生英语语言困难对教学的启示
Pragmatic failures and what they can tell us? Teaching English in China (Quarterly), 25(3), 50-53. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.语用失误及其启示
An empirical study of the use of the mother tongue in the L2 reading class. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5(2), 45-58.母语在外语课堂上使用情况的调查。